The 'Brodur' is a literal term for brothers and was thought to more fully represent what the club means to its members. Thus it replaced the RC that had it's foundations in 2014. The aim then as it is now is to bring heathen/pagan bikers together and promote heathen values. As it was then so is it now and always will be.
All our members are practising heathens/pagans or interested in heathenism; it is a condition of joining the Tribe that potential newcomers (niwcumen) will follow the main tenets of this coda.
We have a wide mix of people in our Tribe from different paths and backgrounds which makes for interesting discussions around the table.
Our Tribe is unique in that it is primarily a club for heathens but also has the advantages of insisting its members own/ride a motorcycle or trike. It is therefore for like-minded ‘folk’ to share their interests and to celebrate their chosen beliefs with others.
We visit various sites of historical and heathen interest; both near and far - check out the gallery for some examples of events we have attended
Our origins are from Medway, Kent but now spread further afield. To be accepted into the Tribe you must be interested in heathen/pagan beliefs and ride a bike (or trike) over 125cc. You will be expected to attend the mandatory club run which is related to heathen/pagan beliefs and normally at a site significant to us.
Heathen Tribe make no claim to any territory and we are not affiliated to any other motorcycle clubs though we fully respect those who are. We are free from politics.
If you think the Tribe is just what you have been looking for then get in touch with us.
Hail and Honour to your House